Voluntariado en México estudiando comportamiento animal! ~ Bioblogia.net

29 de abril de 2008

Voluntariado en México estudiando comportamiento animal!

VOLUNTEER FIELD RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN TROPICAL MEXICO. (May 15 {or 25} -- Aug 1 {or 15} 2008). (THIS IS A NEWLY OPENED POSITION) Research on plumage signaling and territorial behavior of Streak-backed Oriole in tropical MEXICO (Sierra de Huautla). General Description: Successful applicants will primarily assist with mapping territories, monitoring nest progress, and conducting behavioral observations. Assistants must be: confident in distinguishing colored leg bands at a distance in the field, self-motivated, able to think and work independently, able to work well with others, and must be comfortable living in a small town in a third-world country. Spanish language experience preferred but not required. Room and board provided. Study site is located in the charming pueblo of Huautla, Morelos, MEXICO tucked in the heart of the Sierra de Huautla. This project offers great biological training and experience, and also rich cultural and language emersion.


Please include a summary of your background and interests, and your reasons for applying. Contact
TROY MURPHY, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, Email: troy.murphy@queensu.ca

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