PhD Assistantship: Habitat Management/Ecophysiology ~

23 de febrero de 2011

PhD Assistantship: Habitat Management/Ecophysiology

Texas Tech University, Department of Natural Resources Management
Lubbock, TX

ASSISTANTSHIP: PhD to study ecophysiology and control of Huisache in S.
Texas. Begin as soon as possible, but certainly by Fall 2011. Applicants
able to begin June 1, 2011 will receive preference. Students interested in
plant physiology and ecology, vegetation management, and invasive species
management are encouraged to apply

QUALIFICATIONS: MS degree in ecology, botany, natural resources, range
management, etc., ability to communicate and work with a wide variety of
people, and combined verbal and quantitative GRE score 1,100. Assistantship
provides $18,000 per year plus reduced tuition and health insurance.

Interested applicants please contact:
Robert D. Cox
Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Resources Management
MS 42125
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
ph: 806-742-2841

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