Positions in Australia ~ Bioblogia.net

11 de febrero de 2011

Positions in Australia

While our old centre has finished (www.aeda.edu.au/news) – we recently received funds for two more centres in the area
of conservation and environmental decision-making. One for 4 and one for 7 years.

There will be about 10 postdoctoral fellowships in Australia at one of the following universities:
The University of Queensland, Australian National University, The University of Melbourne,
The University of Western Australia and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in the area of
Environmental Decision-making (ecology, economics, modeling etc).

Please pass this on.

To register your interest go to: http://ceed.edu.au/work-with-us/post-doctoral-fellowships .
Advertisements will be made over the next few weeks from respective universities and if you register you will be informed.

Regards, and apologies for cross-posting


Dr Hugh Possingham FAA, ARC Federation Fellow 2006-2011
Director of The Ecology Centre and AEDA
Professor of Mathematics, Professor of Ecology

If you want to talk to me or make an appointment -
please email Jane Breeding j.breeding@uq.edu.au - 07 3346 7541
[NB I lose many emails – alert Jane]

www.uq.edu.au/spatialecology/ (lab web site) www.aeda.edu.au (AEDA)
+61 7 3365 9766 (w): +61 (0) 434 079 061 (m)

Subscribe to Decision Point - www.aeda.edu.au/news

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