Postdoc in Hawaii ~

24 de mayo de 2011

Postdoc in Hawaii

Post-doctoral Research Opportunity: Carnegie Institution for Science and Institute for Pacific Islands Forestry, US Forest Service – Hilo, Hawaii

Under a joint collaborative agreement, the Carnegie Institution for Science ( and the US Forest Service Institute for Pacific Islands Forestry ( seeks post-doctoral research applicants for a two-year study to map and model ecosystem structure, composition, and biogeochemical processes in the Hawaiian Islands.

We seek a researcher who is familiar with remote sensing tools and techniques and who can combine multiple data sources into analyses of ecosystem structure and function. This position requires very strong statistical, computer programming and spatial analysis skills. The successful applicant will be part of a team of researchers that is using a suite of remote sensing and field methods to evaluate the effects of forest fragmentation and other disturbances on forest structure and function. The research project has the potential to make significant contributions to the conservation of Hawaiian ecosystems as well as provide understanding of fragmentation impacts on tropical forest broadly. The interdisciplinary nature of this research will provide opportunities for the post-doc to also interact with project collaborators (Tadashi Fukami, Stanford University; Dan Gruner, University of Maryland; David Flaspohler, Michigan Technological University; Christian Giardina, US Forest Service; Greg Asner, Carnegie Institution), as well as other postdoctoral researchers, field technicians, graduate students and undergraduate research assistants as part of daily activities related to the project. Responsibilities include model development and analysis, publishing in peer-reviewed journals and outreach with environmental management professionals.

The position will be based at the Carnegie Institution’s remote sensing lab within the USDA Forest Service, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry in Hilo Hawaii. Applicants must have a Ph.D. from an accredited university, and must demonstrate expertise in remote sensing and its integration into ecosystem and/or biodiversity prediction models. A publishing record in peer-reviewed journals is also required.

This is a two-year appointment with competitive benefits. Applicants should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae and the names and full contact information (email and phone numbers) of three potential references to Greg Asner at <> no later than June 30, 2011.


Daniel S. Gruner, Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology
4112 Plant Sciences Bldg
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 U.S.A.
(o) 301-405-3957 (f) 301-314-9290

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