PhD assortative mating (USA) ~

14 de agosto de 2012

PhD assortative mating (USA)

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Daniel Bolnick, in the Section of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin. The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for overseeing field and laboratory research, data analysis and manuscript preparation as part of an NSF-funded project on the evolution of assortative mating within populations, using the threespine stickleback as a model organism. This position requires experience with the logistics and operations of field research, data analysis, and graduate training in evolutionary biology or animal behavior. Candidates should have a proven record of successful publishing in scientific journals. Candidates may benefit from experience with molecular genetics for parentage analysis, geometric morphometrics, or isotopic analyses of feeding ecology.  Excellent analytical and communication skills are essential. Please contact Dr. Daniel Bolnick (<mailto:danbolnick@au>) for inquiries.
 The Bolnick lab's research focuses on evolutionary ecology of trait variation within populations, including variation in diet, courtship traits, and immune function. More information on research in the lab can be found at .
 More information on the Section of Integrative Biology can be found at  .
 To apply for the postdoctoral position, please send a cv, two letters of recommendation, and pdfs of at least 2 relevant papers, to Dr. Bolnick (contact information below), along with a coverletter succinctly summarizing your qualifications. The position will remain open until filled by a suitable candidate, but all applications submitted before October 1 2012 will be considered.
The successful candidate will have to be available to begin no later than May 2013. The position will run for two years and three months, with opportunities to extend depending on funding availability. The salary is approximately US$40,000 per year.
 The University of Texas is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Dr. Daniel Bolnick
Section of Integrative Biology
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
 512-471-2824 (work)
512-471-3878 (fax)

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