Volunteer Field Assistant in Community Ecology - Berlin, Germany ~ Bioblogia.net

18 de abril de 2014

Volunteer Field Assistant in Community Ecology - Berlin, Germany

We are searching for an excited, motivated and hard-working individual to
assist with field work in the project “MetacommuniTree - Land-use effects on
patterns and processes in decomposer metacommunities in tree holes”. The
project is part of the Biodiversity Exploratories
(http://www.biodiversity-exploratories.de/1/home/) and the project is based
at Freie Universität in Berlin. We will be mapping and collecting samples
from water-filled tree holes in three different regions of Germany –
Schorfheide-Chorin, Hainich and Schwäbische Alb. Working conditions will
require an individual who will not mind or preferably enjoy working
outdoors, in possibly inclement weather. The candidate should have an
interest in ecological research.

This is a full-time unpaid internship position however travel for field work
will be covered. Ideally work will begin on the final week of April and last
approximately three months. You will gain knowledge in various sampling
techniques, use of equipment and gain valuable research experience.
Additionally you will have the opportunity to meet with other researchers.

Preference will be given to candidates with field work/research experience
in ecology or related fields. If you are enticed by working in the beautiful
forests of Germany and gaining field experience please send a CV and a
letter of motivation to Anastasia Roberts: aroberts@oswego.edu by April 20th
- priority will be given to applications received on time. For further
information please visit:

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