PhD studentships at LMU-Munich (Germany) ~

10 de mayo de 2014

PhD studentships at LMU-Munich (Germany)

The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and the graduate school
Life Science Munich (LSM) are offering full scholarships for students
to carry out PhD research at Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich,
Germany. The scholarships include a stipend, insurance, and travel funds.

The LSM covers many aspects of life science research, including
evolutionary biology. In this field, the following projects are available:

1) The organization of regulatory sequences at the locus level and its
functional and evolutionary consequences (supervised by Prof. Nicolas

2) Evolutionary and functional genomics of Drosophila (supervised by
Prof. John Parsch)

For complete information and application details, please see:

Applications may only be submitted through the above website. The
application deadline is July 8, 2014. The start date for the scholarship
is Jan. 1, 2015 or later. The program is open to non-Germans who have
spent less than 15 months in Germany as of September 2014.

John Parsch

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