Oferta de doctorado en diseño de ensayos biológicos (Alemania) ~ Bioblogia.net

14 de octubre de 2017

Oferta de doctorado en diseño de ensayos biológicos (Alemania)

The Laboratory for Sensors at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) offers a PhD position in close cooperation with the Synthetic Biology Department of the Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (BIOSS). It contains highly multidisciplinary tasks in different projects: Two German Research Foundation (DFG) grants (UR 70/12-1 and UR 70/10-1 aim at the simultaneous detection of various microRNAs as biomarkers for different diseases, including brain tumors or interstitial lung disease, from clinically relevant samples (e.g., blood, plasma). In addition, a Max Planck Society funded project “FlyMiBird” targets the development of a microfluidic Lab-on-a-Bird transmitter for the hormone level monitoring of free-moving birds.

- Design, implementation and optimization of biological assays
- Preparation and execution of assay measurements
- Working with different (optical and electrochemical) biosensors

Anfangsdatum: 1. November 2017

geschätzte Dauer: 3 Jahren

Bezahlung: TV-L E13

Bruch et al., "Clinical on-site monitoring of ß-lactam antibiotics for a personalized antibiotherapy", 2017, Sci. Rep., 7, 3127.

Kling et al., "Multianalyte antibiotic detection on an electrochemical microfluidic platform", 2016, Anal. Chem., 88(20), 10036 - 10043.

Homepage: http://www.imtek.de/data/lehrstuehle/sensoren/dokumente/stellen/bioassay-development-ag-dincer

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