AVIAN ECOLOGIST. ~ Bioblogia.net

26 de septiembre de 2004


The University of Delaware is seeking an Assistant Professor for a 12-month tenure-track research/teaching position. Requires Ph.D. in a field relevant to position responsibilities; expertise in avian ecology; and demonstrated ability to attract extramural funding and conduct high quality teaching and advisement of undergraduate and graduate students. Post-doctoral experience preferred. Position is 60% research and 40% teaching. DUTIES: Develop a productive, extramurally supported research program in avian ecology compatible with current faculty interests. Teach three courses per year (Ornithology, either Wildlife Conservation and Ecology or Wildlife Management, and a graduate course in the specialty area). Helpadvise undergraduate Wildlife Conservation majors and supervise undergraduate and graduate research. TO APPLY: Submit a letter of application; statements of research and teaching interests and philosophy; a list of relevant undergraduate and graduate courses completed; and curriculum vitae and have three letters of reference sent directly by November 15, 2004 to Dr. Judith Hough-Goldstein, Search Committee Chair, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716-2160. Application materials, including letters of reference, shall be shared with departmental faculty. See website http://ag.udel.edu/departments/ento/
for complete announcement and a description of the Department and University.

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