Graduate Research Assistantship in Spatial Analysis and Modeling of Longleaf Pine Forest Dynamics ~

7 de octubre de 2004

Graduate Research Assistantship in Spatial Analysis and Modeling of Longleaf Pine Forest Dynamics

University of Georgia/Joseph W. Jones Ecological Center

We are seeking a PhD student to pursue research on the interrelationships of vegetation structure, resource availability, and fire behavior in longleaf pine savannahs. This work will be part of a larger effort to quantify key ecosystem linkages and synthesize them into a spatially explicit model of longleaf pine forest dynamics. A variety of research topics are available, including study of plant growth responses to resource availability, fire-induced mortality, and influences of vegetation and fuels heterogeneity on fire behavior. Desired qualifications include an M.S. degree in ecology, forestry, or a related field; or a B.S. degree with significant research experience. Strong quantitative skills are essential, as evidenced by coursework in or experience with statistics and modeling.
The study site for this project will be Ichauway, the 29,000 acre outdoor laboratory of the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, located in Newton, GA. Ichauway presently contains one of the largest remaining tracts of longleaf pine-wiregrass forest in the United States, interspersed with pine plantations, hardwood forests, wetlands, fields, and developed areas. Longleaf pine ecosystems are among the most threatened in North America, and they have also been among the least studied with respect to species biology and ecological functions, as well as forest management and restoration practices. Biological diversity makes Ichauway one of the most significant natural areas in the southeastern United States, with more than 1,100 documented species of native plants. Ongoing research programs seek to understand how biodiversity is maintained within these systems, and how they respond to a range of management activities.
This graduate assistantship will be co-sponsored by the University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forest Resources and the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Center, with Dr. Mike Wimberly (WSFR) and Dr. Bob Mitchell (Jones Center) serving as co-advisors. The assistantship will provide a stipend of $16,371/yr at 0.4 EFT and reduced tuition and fees of $477/semester. The student will complete coursework at the University of Georgia in Athens, and then live and work on site while conducting research at Ichauway. Housing will be provided while the student is in residence at Ichauway. Additional funding is available for research-related expenses, and to support travel to present results at professional meeting.
For additional information on UGA admission requirements and deadlines, see the graduate admissions page on the WSFR web site
Also see the following websites for more information on the University of Georgia and the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center
Jones Center:

For more information on this assistantship, contact the project leaders.
Dr. Michael C. Wimberly
Warnell School of Forest Resources
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
706-583-8097 (phone)
706-542-8356 (fax)
Dr. Robert J. Mitchell
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center
Route 2, Box 2324
Newton, GA 39870
229-734-4706 (phone)
229-734-4707 (fax)
To apply for this assistantship, please send the following materials to Dr. Wimberly at the address given above. (1) Letter of interest describing professional goals, research interests, and qualifications for the position, (2) a resume, (3) transcripts (copies OK), (4) GRE scores (copies OK), and (5) names of three references along with email addresses, phone numbers, and postal addresses.

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