suitability modeling
As part of a recent Strategic NSERC grant with collaborators Dr. Paul
Wilson (Trent University), Dr. Jim Roth (University of Manitoba), and Dr.
Jeff Bowman (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources), we are assessing the
factors affecting long-term viability of Canada lynx populations,
especially at their range margin. Using an extensive sample (thousands) of
lynx that were both genotyped and geo-referenced, we are developing species
distribution models including habitat suitability, range limit, and
corridor delineation analyses, to determine the current and predicted
future distribution of lynx. Parallel analyses for bobcats will elucidate
species differences and identify areas of potential sympatry and future
hybridization. These samples also will serve towards stable isotope
analyses of lynx, bobcats, coyotes, and prey, to help identify diet overlap
between carnivores, potential exploitative competition with lynx, and
proximate causes of lynx dispersal. We are also undertaking extensive and
unprecedented analysis of fur harvest records of carnivores across North
America to examine if evidence of cyclic asynchrony and decoupling,
dispersal barriers, and exploitative competition between species, can be
detected in the region of lynx distribution. Ultimately, the above projects
will feed directly into comprehensive harvest, distribution, and population
viability models for lynx that factor connectivity and dispersal, regional
threats such as hybridization and competition, and ongoing and projected
loss of habitat and climate change near the range periphery. This work is
the logical continuation of our previous efforts (Murray et al. 2008. J.
Wildl. Manage. 72:1463-1472; Roth et al. 2007. Ecology 88:2736-2743; Steury
and Murray 2004.Biol. Conserv. 117:127-141) to understand factors affecting
viability of southern lynx populations. Post-doctoral fellows will have the
opportunity to develop an independent research program within the framework
of existing funding.
Application Procedures
The specific parameters of the PhD and/or PDF positions will be adjusted
according to the strengths and interests of the successful applicants,
within the basic scope of the above-described project. Applicants should
hold degrees in population ecology, population genetics, landscape ecology,
or a related area. The successful candidates should have expertise in
population and/or landscape analysis and modeling, population/landscape
genetics, and/or statistical analysis, including previous work with GIS or
time series data. The successful applicants will require demonstrated
publishing success.
Candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, and
names and contact information for three references to: Dr. Dennis Murray,
Department of Biology, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive,
Peterborough, ON Canada K9J 7B8 (email: dennismurray “at”
immediately and the positions will close as soon as suitable candidates are
found. PDFs will receive $45,000 annually, + benefits; PhD students will
receive a full graduate stipend plus waiver of any foreign tuition fees.