U. Sherbrooke: Ph.D. on tree swallows ~ Bioblogia.net

1 de diciembre de 2011

U. Sherbrooke: Ph.D. on tree swallows

I am looking for a Ph.D. student to explore the links between behaviour,
immunity and parasites in Tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). This research
is part of a long-term program in collaboration with Prof. Dany Garant at
the Université de Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.  Since 2004, more than 8000
individually marked tree swallows have been monitored on 400 nest boxes. The
Ph.D. candidate will have access to this long-term dataset and will also
participate to field work during two or three seasons (May to July) and
assist with capture, marking and measuring of the birds, as well as
collecting samples for hormone and DNA analyses.

Assets for this position include a M.Sc. degree, publications, a knowledge
of 'basic' French (or a strong willingness to learn it), fieldwork
experience, strong quantitative skills.  A tax-free scholarship is available
for three years, and financing for travel, fieldwork and lab expenses has
been secured.  The project could start either in May or September 2012.

For information on my research, see

Interested candidates should send a CV, a brief statement of research
interests and the e-mails of two referees before December 20th to Fanie
Pelletier:  fanie.pelletier@usherbrooke.ca

Fanie Pelletier, Ph.D.

Professeure Agrégée
Université de Sherbrooke
Département de biologie
Faculté des Sciences
Sherbrooke (Québec)

tel.: 819-821-8000 poste 61092
fax: 819 821-8049


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