2 proyectos de master ecoagricológicos en Suiza ~ Bioblogia.net

23 de septiembre de 2017

2 proyectos de master ecoagricológicos en Suiza

Land-use change, loss and fragmentation of semi-natural habitats in agricultural landscapes threaten crop pollination and biological pest control services provided by insects. Semi-naturals habitats and specific mass-flowering and pest hosting crops provide food resources to pollinators and pest natural enemies. However, the spatio-temporal availability of these resources may either facilitate or compete with the pollination or control of pest in a focal crop. We investigate how the fragmentation and the spatio-temporal availability of resources affect the distribution of beneficial insects and its consequences on related ecosystem services.

– One student will focus on pollinators and pollination. Another student will focus on pest enemies and biological control
– Map the food resources availability in agricultural landscapes
– Monitor pollinators or pest enemies in resource contrasting landscapes
– Conduct experiment to measure crop pollination or biological control

Dates and application:
– Starting date: Spring 2018
– Duration: 6 months
– Application until January 2018

Dr. Aliette Bosem-Baillod
Reckenholzstr. 191
CH-8046 Zurich, Switzerland

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