Lecturers in Paleoanthropology/Paleontology/Human Biology/Primatology ~ Bioblogia.net

28 de mayo de 2004

Lecturers in Paleoanthropology/Paleontology/Human Biology/Primatology

University Of The Witwatersrand
Johannesburg, South Africa
QUALIFICATIONS: At least a MSc degree in relevant area of specialization; experience in teaching paleoanthropology; proven ability to carry out research. Experience in teaching morphological anatomy or readiness to learn will be essential.

DUTIES: Teaching relevant areas of courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students medical, allied medical disciplines; teaching paleoanthropology to science students; administration of courses; publication of research papers; and participation in academic activities of the School.
REMUNERATION: Dependent on qualifications and experience. The package includes a provident fund, medical aid and bursaries, subject to the University 's regulations.
ENQUIRIES: Professor J N Maina Telephone: +27 11 717 2405; E-mail: mainajn@anatomy.wits.ac.za.
For further information: www.wits.ac.za/fac/med/ana_sciences/index.html

APPLY:submit a covering letter, detailed CV, names, addresses & e-mail contact addresses of 3 referees, and certified copies of degrees/diplomas to: Ms Bonita Visagie, HR Office, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 7 York Road, Parktown 2193, Johannesburg, South Africa. Tel: +27 -11 717-2337; Fax +27-11-717-2759; E-mail: visagiebb@health.wits.ac.za.
CLOSING DATE: 11 June 2004
Ref: M&G 366
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