Voluntariado en Eslovenia ~ Bioblogia.net

25 de mayo de 2004

Voluntariado en Eslovenia

Morigenos - marine mammal research and conservation society will be
organizing research camps this summer on the coast of Slovenia.
Main subject of the research camps are common bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) in Slovenian sea (Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic
sea). The project aims at investigating the population of bottlenose
dolphins inhabiting the Gulf of Trieste and neighbouring areas. The
project is primarily collecting data on photo-identification,
distribution, abundance, behaviour and movement patterns.

Main objectives of the project are:
- to estimate the size of the population of bottlenose dolphins inhabiting
the waters of Slovenia and the Gulf of Trieste,
- observe population trends,
- study habitat use and distribution,
- estimate the impact of fisheries and vessel traffic on the dolphin

No experience is required. The participants will gain experience in
research methods for studying bottlenose dolphins in the wild. They will
get insight into methods of photo-identification, collection of data from
land observation points and boat, and they will gain knowledge in cetacean
biology and conservation issues.

Research output of the project:
- Genov, T., Kotnjek, P., Hribar, A., Kolaric, K. 2004. First photo-
identification data of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in
Slovenia. 18th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 28-31
March, Kolmarden, Sweden.

Collaborative output:
- Zucca, P., Di Guardo, G., Francese, M., Scaravelli, D., Genov, T.,
Mazzatenta, A. (in press). Cause of stranding in four Risso's dolphins
(Grampus griseus) found beached ashore along the North Adriatic sea coast.
SISVET, Conference of the Conference of the Italian Society of Veterinary
Sciences, Grado, September 2004

Output other than research:
- Public awareness activities and education (lectures, leaflets,
brochures, posters, exhibitions, articles, field camps, 'Adopt a dolphin'
campaign, etc.)

The participation fee is 105 EURO per week (6 days). This includes
accommodation, food, boat trips, lectures, guidance, visit of the Aquarium
in Piran, visits of other natural monuments.

Participants arrange their own transportation to and from the research

More information can be found at www.morigenos.org or morigenos@email.si

Sincerely Yours,

Tilen Genov

Morigenos - marine mammal research
and conservation society
Jarska cesta 36/a
1000 Ljubljana

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