(http://www.rediris.es/list/sdis/ofer-trabec/) es una gentileza de:
Centro de Información Administrativa del MAP
FCR/SIAB (Fundacio Catalana per la Recerca) y
Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio). Becas Ayudas y subvenciones del MCYT http://www.mcyt.es/grupos/grupo_becas.htm
Procedencia: http://www-db.embl-heidelberg.de/jss/servlet/de.embl.bk.emblGroups.JobsPage/04PD08.html
Laboratoire Européen de Biologie Moléculaire
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Europäisches Laboratorium für Molekularbiologie
2 June 2004
Member States of EMBL (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) are advised that applications are being sought for the following position at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Postdoctoral or PhD Student Position
Grade: EMBL Fellowship grant
EMBL site: Heidelberg, Germany
Commencing date: To be arranged
Job description: The successful candidate will join the "Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit", a joint research unit between the EMBL and the University of Heidelberg. The position is funded by a grant from the German National Genome Research Network (NGFN II) for three years. The successful candidate will benefit from the dynamic, interdisciplinary research environments of EMBL and the University of Heidelberg.
The work will involve studies of the role of micro RNAs in hematopoiesis and childhood leukemia.
Qualifications and experience: Applicants will have excellent experience with molecular biology techniques and cell culture work. Previous experience with microarray analysis would be a plus.
Contract: An initial contract of 3 years' duration will be offered to the successful candidate.
Web page: http://www.embl.de
EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation.
Please note that EMBL does not return CVs or attached documents to applicants.
For further information please contact Prof. M. Muckenthaler or Dr. M. Hentze
To apply for this position, candidates should submit a detailed CV, and other relevant information, quoting ref. no. 04/PD/08, to:
Personnel, EMBL, Postfach 10.2209, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany.
Fax: +49 6221 387555 E-mail: application@EMBL.de
OFER-TRABEC es gestionado por el Servicio de Información de Ayudas y Becas
(SIAB) de la Fundacio Catalana per a la Recerca. - (http://www.fcr.es).