Chimpanzee Sanctuary Volunteer Africa ~

26 de julio de 2004

Chimpanzee Sanctuary Volunteer Africa

Position: In Defense of Animals - Yaounde, Cameroon
Position description
Work with national staff and other expatriate volunteers to rehabilitate adult and infant chimpanzees, victims of a thriving and illegal commercial bushmeat trade.


a minimum six-month commitment required

experience living in a third-world country, preferably African, for several months or longer

previous experience working with chimpanzees

fluency in French (required)

sensitivity to environmental issues affecting developing countries

experience with hand tools


Volunteer is responsible for roundtrip air travel. Accommodations and meals provided during stay at the sanctuary. Meals are vegetarian.

We need highly motivated people who want to help chimpanzees and are willing to live in a tropical, developing country for at least six months. One of the hardest things for volunteers has been lack of contact with the outside world. Opportunities for phone calls and emails are infrequent.

Most westerners find living conditions at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, set within a rural African community, harsh. The reality of living and working with psychologically damaged chimpanzees in a remote forest environment, within a developing African nation, is very different from anything you might imagine. We have little choice but to insist on every bit of experience we can get.

Volunteer Journal Entries

Contact Information
Edmund Stone
IDA-Africa Project Liaison Officer (USA)
Tel: (503) 643-8302

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