[RAII III SCP], FULL TIME http://www.mbl.edu/inside/what/human_resources/job_search.php?func=detail&par=job_id=332
Josephine Bay Paul Center for Comparative Molecular Biology and Evolution The Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA
Description: The Marine Biological Laboratory is seeking applicants for a full-time, year round Research Assistant II/III position in the Josephine Bay Paul Center for Comparative Molecular Biology and Evolution as a Scientific Computer Programmer and Database Programmer.
Duties: Duties include but are not limited to design and build
relational database for molecular sequences and phylogenetic
information. Develop and install high-throughput phylogenetic analysis software that is web-based and accessible to members of the Woods Hole Scientific Community. Consult with scientists who participate in the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health program. Efforts will be
divided into the following areas: Development of databases, including programming, software installation and software development; Development of web-based, high throughput phylogenetic analysis software; Systems administration
Education/Experience: A B.A or M.S. and advanced course work in computer science or have extensive experience working as a Programmer and Systems Administrator. Experience with Linux/UNIX and Beowulf clusters (OSCAR, MAUI), programming languages (C, C++, Perl, Java) and database software (SQL, PHP) is required. The successful candidate must be skilled in design, construction and maintenance of on-line relational databases. Specific skills with web-based graphical
interfaces and systems administration of database servers strongly desired. Familiarity with LDAP, intranet structures and management of diverse operating systems a plus. The successful applicant is expected to have good team skills, but be able to work with a high level of independence with broad supervision. Please apply to: Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of three references including telephone numbers and email address to to: Marine Biological Laboratory, ATTN: Human Resources reference code [RA II III SCP], 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543-1015, email resume@mbl.edu. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer/Non-smoking workplace.