22 de septiembre de 2004


- Ph.D. student sought to continue and expand upon
ongoing research on migration and molt ecology of King Eiders on
Alaska's North Slope. This work involves capturing and implanting eiders
with satellite transmitters. Data collection and analysis includes
retrieving and analyzing location data with respect to timing, distance,
and habitat parameters. Strong GIS skills are essential, and modeling
skills are desirable. Opportunities exist for collaborative research at
local, national and international levels. This study is fully funded.
The prospective student can begin as early as spring semester 2005, and
will commence data collection in Jun 2005. Qualifications: M.S. in
Wildlife Science, Conservation Biology, or related field required.
Strong skills in GIS recommended. Interest and experience in migration,
molt ecology, and/or sea ducks are highly desirable, as are good verbal,
communication, and analytical skills, and competitive GRE scores. I am
seeking an industrious, hard-working student that can make decisions
independently, work cooperatively with other students and PIs, and
supervise/train technicians. Salary: $19,500 for 12 months plus paid
tuition Last date to apply: Open until filled; prefer to fill by 15 Nov
2004 Contact: Submit letter of interest (why you want to work on this
project, your research and career interests, etc.), resume, copy of
transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references to:
DR. ABBY POWELL, AK Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 209
Irving I Bldg., UAF, Fairbanks, AK 99775-7020, (907-PH: 474-5505, EM:, URL:

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