16 de septiembre de 2004


Por si a alguien le interesa.
Maite Louzao

This notice is to inform you of the availability of funds for the conservation of seabirds in fisheries.

A) Source of funds
Since the 2001/2002 Antarctic tourist season the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO) has presented a lecture to passengers entitled "Seabird conservation in fisheries". The purpose of the lecture is to raise awareness of the threats seabirds face in fisheries operating in the southern hemisphere and to raise funds for conservation initiatives. The lecture package comprises a CD and accompanying notes (prepared by Graham
Robertson) and a video (prepared by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK). The lecture is presented to passengers by naturalist on voyages to Antarctica and sub Antarctic islands. In the 2003/04 season 17 ships operated by companies co-ordinated by IAATO received copies of the lecture package. The lecture and video are part of Birdlife International's "Save the Albatross" Campaign. Funds raised are administered by Birds Australia, a non-profit organisation and Australian partner to Birdlife International.

B) Funds available
A total of US$35,000 was raised from IAATO passengers in the 2003/04 season. These funds are now available for allocation.

C) Projects/actions eligible for consideration for funding
Eligible projects will pertain to the conservation of seabirds in fisheries in the southern hemisphere. Priority will be given to initiatives addressing the key areas of interest being supported by the Save the Albatross Campaign. These relate to political and administration activities, research on affected seabird species and by-catch mitigation research and awareness.
i) Political/administrative initiatives
This category involves activities that will contribute either directly or indirectly to reducing seabird mortality in fisheries. Consideration will be given to proposals leading to improved fisheries management regulations throughout migratory ranges, adoption of best-practice mitigation measures, monitoring of levels of compliance of mitigation practices and outreach programs. Potentially a wide range of activities can be considered, at both national and international levels. It is expected that activities may differ among countries as reflected by economic and political realities and levels of awareness of the problem.
ii) Research on fisheries-vulnerable seabirds
Research on affected seabirds might include studies on the ecology and population status seabirds of relevance to conservation. Examples include work pertaining to the understanding of the nature and extent of seabird/fisheries interactions, determination of vulnerability, censuses of status and trends of affected species and studies of population relatedness.
iii) Mitigation research and awareness
Work on mitigation practices include activities that improve understanding of the effectiveness of existing mitigation, the development and testing of new mitigation devices/practices and increasing the fishing industry’s awareness and use of mitigation measures.

D) Seabird Conservation Advisory Group
Projects/actions to be funded will be chosen by an Advisory Group consisting of Janice Molloy (Department of Conservation, New Zealand), Sally Poncet (Falkland Islands), Marco Favero (University of Mar del Plata, Argentina), John Croxall (British Antarctic Survey), Euan Dunn (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK.), Carles Carboneras (Birdlife, Spain), Carlos Moreno (University of Southern Chile), Eric Gilman (Audubon Society, Hawaii), Ed Melvin (Sea Grant Program, University of Washington, USA) and Graham Robertson (Australian Antarctic Division).

E) Submitting an application
Applicants are requested to submit a written outline of their project/initiative in relation to the area(s) of interest outlined above. Applications should be written in 11 point font and not exceed four A4 pages. Applications should include project objectives, justification of funds being sought, a list of items for funding, time line for the use of funds, total estimated cost of the project and details of any co-funding. Proposals should be very clear on how projects contribute to conservation objectives. Recipients of funds will be required to submit a report to the Advisory Group on the completion of their projects. Applications should be submitted by email to by 20 September 2004. Recipients of funds will be notified by email after 31 October 2004.

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