A teaching assistantship is available for a M.S. student interested in aquatic ecology. ~ Bioblogia.net

17 de septiembre de 2004

A teaching assistantship is available for a M.S. student interested in aquatic ecology.

The student can either develop her/his own research program or choose among topics regarding: (1) effects of climate change on the aquatic community, (2) alteration of energy flow due to invasive species, (3) sexual selection in Crustaceans etc. Aquatic systems in New Mexico range from rivers, reservoirs and mountain lakes to saline sink holes. In- and out-of-state collaboration will be encouraged and supported and travel to scientific meetings funded. For further information or to submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, transcript and contact information of three potential references contact:
Dr. Wiebke Boeing
Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences
New Mexico State University
2980, South Espina; 132, Knox Hall
Las Cruces, NM, 88003-0003
(505) 646-1707

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