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El Servicio ©DISEVEN es una gentileza de:
CICA (Centro Informático y Científico de Andalucía) y
Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
Para distribuir Eventos (Congresos, Jornadas, Seminarios etc):
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Denominación: The World Conference on Ecological Restoration
Tipo de evento: 1 (Congreso/Conferencia)
Area(s) de interés: VIDA (Biología, Ecología y Medioambiente)
Fecha de inicio: 12-09-2005 Fecha de finalización: 18-09-2005
Lugar de celebración: Zaragoza - Zaragoza - España
URL: http://www.ser.org/content/2005Conference.asp
Secretaría Científica:
SER International and organized by the SER Europe Chapter.
285 W. 18th Street, Suite 1, Tucson,Tucson 85701 USA
85701 Tucson - Tucson - USA
Teléfono: 520.622.5485
Fax: 520.622.5491
Persona(s) de contacto:
Chairman Organizing Committee (info@ser.org)
Dr. Francisco A. Comín (comin@ipe.csic.es)
Secretaría Técnica:
Paseo Sagasta, 19. Entresuelo derecha
- Zaragoza - España
Teléfono: +34976211748
Fax: +34976212959
Ecological Restoration: A Global Challenge will focus on how professionals from diverse fields can work together better to integrate basic and applied researc h and experience, from technical to cultural perspectives.
The focus of this year\\'s conference is to explore the ways ecological restora tion can integrate scientific and technical fundamentals with economic opportun ity, social needs and political realities, and how to apply this integration to projects underway on every part of the planet. Concerned with the effects of c enturies of degradation of our natural resources and living environments, gover nments and private industries are looking to our field to offer solutions from how to clean up polluted rivers and restore wetlands to how to recover forests that have been devastated by fire and land that has been destroyed by strip min ing.
Base de Datos DISEVEN en:
31 de octubre de 2004
The World Conference on Ecological Restoration