Premios ~

20 de noviembre de 2004


Concurso Internacional de Artes Pesqueras Selectivas (The
International Smart Gear competition)
Smart Gear es una coalición sin precedentes de pescadores, científicos y
grupos de conservación, que está aceptando inscripciones de diseños
innovadores de equipo de pesca que reduzcan las muertes de especies
Se otorgará un premio de US$25,000 al diseño declarado como el método
más práctico y beneficioso para reducir la captura accidental (bycatch)
de mamíferos marinos, aves, tortugas marinas y especies de peces no
El concurso está abierto a todos, incluyendo a fabricantes de equipo
profesional, inventores
empíricos, pescadores, estudiantes, ingenieros y científicos.
Categorías de inscripciones al concurso:
- equipos que disminuyan la captura accidental de tortugas marinas
- equipos que disminuyan la captura accidental de cetáceos
- equipos que disminuyan la captura accidental de cualquier otra especie
no buscada
La inscripción ganadora recibirá financiamiento para llevar el diseño de
su etapa en el tablero de dibujo al desarrollo del prototipo, pruebas y
fabricación inicial.
El ganador del Concurso Internacional de Artes Pesqueras Selectivas será
elegido por jueces del WWF; del National Fisheries Institute; de la
American Fisheries Society; de la Fisheries Conservation Foundation; del
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science; del Marine
Wildlife Bycatch Consortium (compuesto por el New England Aquarium, la
Universidad Duke, la Universidad de New Hampshire y la Lobstermen’s
Association); el Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources en la Memorial
University of Newfoundland; y la U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Se pueden hallar las reglas oficiales y mayor información en: <>
Para preguntas técnicas provenientes de pescadores, industria pesquera,
investigadores, estudiantes, etc., favor de contactarse con:
Moisés Mug, Oficial de Pesca para América Latina y el Caribe de WWF
Correo electrónico: <>
Tel.: +(506) 234 84 34
Personal de prensa, favor de contactarse con:
Mónica Echeverría, Coordinadora Regional de Comunicación para América
Latina y el Caribe de WWF
Correo electrónico:
Tel.: +(202) 778 9626


Undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for the Undergraduate Student Research Awards to be presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting. Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program, will not graduate before May 2005, and have not received a previous Undergraduate Award from ASM are eligible to apply. Three awards of $400 are available for winners of the competition. The Honoraria Committee will review applications and select award recipients on the basis of the originality and quality of research and the student's curriculum vitae.
Applicants should submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation, a 1-page summary of the research project, a curriculum vitae, and a letter from their research advisor. Authors must submit either pdf or Word files. No other formats will be accepted. Electronic submissions should be sent to before 15 February 2005. The advisor's letter must be submitted separately from the student's material. Questions should be directed to Virginia Hayssen, Biology Department, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063 [413 585 3856].
Packets that do not meet the above requirements or are received after the deadline will not be considered. Applicants will be notified of award recipients around 15 March 2005. Students applying for the awards also must present an oral or poster presentation at the Annual Meeting. Applicants should submit the usual abstract and pre-registration material to the Local Committee before their deadline.

Virginia Hayssen
Editor, Mammalian Species
American Society of Mammalogists
Director, Environmental Science and Policy
Professor, Biological Sciences
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
413 585 3856; FAX 413 585 3786
pdf files for Mammalian Species 1-631 are available via this URL
Dear colleague,
The attached file describes a new funding opportunity for graduate
students, sponsored by the Amazon Conservation Association. Additional
information about this grant and others offered by ACA can be found at
Please distribute the attached pdf as widely as possible among the
graduate students at your institution, either by email or by posting
the attached announcement in your department. The application
deadline, Jan. 15, 2005, is not far off.
Thanks very much,
Nigel Pitman
Science Director
Amazon Conservation Association
Forwarded by
Richard W. Thorington, Jr.
Division of Mammals
Smithsonian Institution
PO Box 37012
NMNH Room 390, MRC 108
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Fax: 202-786-2979

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