Postdoctoral Position in Insect Eco-Physiology ~

12 de diciembre de 2004

Postdoctoral Position in Insect Eco-Physiology

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Postdoctoral researcher wanted for a position at the interface of insect physiology and ecology. Specific research questions will focus on insect stoichiometry, metabolism, and spatial ecology. The successful candidate will join a diverse, energetic, and interactive lab group that pursues cross-cutting ideas. The position requires demonstrated experience in insect identification, laboratory work, data analyses, and strong writing skills. Applicants must also complete their PhD before starting the project. Starting salary is competitive and the initial appointment will be for one year with continuing appointment for a second year based on performance. Applications will be accepted until January 15, with a start date ASAP. To apply, send a CV and the names and email addresses of three references to:

Dr. Bill Fagan
Department of Biology
3235 Biology-Psychology Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

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