2005 training courses on cetacean research and conservation ~ Bioblogia.net

27 de enero de 2005

2005 training courses on cetacean research and conservation

The CETACEAN RESEARCH & RESCUE UNIT (CRRU) announces its 2005 training courses on cetacean research and conservation in the outer Moray Firth, N= E Scotland.
These courses are intended for anyone looking to gain active, hands-on experience in cetacean research and conservation work. Led by an accomplished team of marine mammal biologists, the course will alternate between field data collection and practical experiences at sea, rescue protocols for live-stranded whales and dolphins, and theoretical seminars= on all aspects of cetacean biology, research, conservation and management. A= s you learn and apply the principles of field research design during your participation in the CRRU's on-going field studies, you will gain a perso= nal understanding of the issues which drive the research, rescue and conservation activities of this established European whale and dolphin organisation.
The courses will run from May to Oct at a cost of 650 GBP (approx 935 Eur= os; 1,220 USD) for 12 days (commencing on a Sunday and terminating on a Thursday). This will cover you for all your accommodation and food costs, full equipment needs, and all other associated costs in the field during your stay with us.
For further details, including a full list of available dates please visi= t www.crru.org.uk/research/trainingprogramme.htm or email: mailbox@crru.org= .uk
The Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit is a recognised Scottish Charity dedicated to the understanding, welfare, conservation and protection of cetaceans in UK waters through scientific investigation, environmental education, and the provision of professional veterinary assistance to sic= k, stranded and injured individuals. Since 1997, some 350 volunteers and students have assisted the Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit - through shor= t courses, project placements and organised workshops - in the study of cetaceans in NE Scottish waters.
Recent publications by the CRRU in 2004 include:
Culloch, R.M. (2004). Mark recapture abundance estimates and distribution= of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) using the southern coastline of = the outer Moray Firth, NE Scotland. M.Sc. thesis. University of Wales, Bangor. pp. 85.
Tetley, M.J. (2004). The distribution and habitat preference of the North Atlantic minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata) in the southern outer Moray Firth, NE Scotland. M.Sc. thesis. University of Wale= s, Bangor. pp. 110.
Eisfeld, S.M. & K.P. Robinson (under review). The sociality of bottlenose dolphins in the outer southern Moray Firth: implications for current management proposals. European Research on Cetaceans 18.
Whaley, A.R. & K.P. Robinson (under review). The southern outer Moray Fir= th in NE Scotland as a potential =93safe area=94 candidate for the harbour p= orpoise (Phocoena phocoena L.). European Research on Cetaceans 18.
Sandoe, J.A.T., J. Barnett, C. McPherson & K.P. Robinson (under submissio= n). Infectious diseases associated with marine mammal rescue: clinical, microbiological features and risk reduction. The Lancet.
Dr. Kevin Robinson
Cetacean Research & Rescue Unit (CRRU)
P.O. Box 11307
Banff AB45 3WB
Tel: +44 (0)1261 851696
Email: mailbox@crru.org.uk Website: www.crru.org.uk
Recognised Scottish Charity No. SC 035473

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