ICREA 25 Senior Research Positions ~ Bioblogia.net

24 de marzo de 2005

ICREA 25 Senior Research Positions

Minimum requirements are a Ph.D. degree obtained before May 6, 2001, and at least four years of international exposure at the doctoral and/or post-doctoral level. However, only very strong candidates with excellent leadership capabilities and an outstanding research record will be considered. Successful applicants will have a permanent contract with ICREA, and will work in universities and other research centres in Catalonia (www.gencat.net/dursi) on the premises of these cooperating institutions. ICREA researchers are expected to make substantial contributions to their own areas of research and to become active members of the Catalan research system.Salaries will be in line with those paid at Catalan universities. ICREA researchers will be subject to triennial evaluations of research progress and general performance. A positive evaluation will lead to a salary increase.The selection of applicants will take into consideration the objectives of the Catalan Government's Research and Innovation Plan 2005-2008 (PRI), which prioritizes certain areas (see the list below). However, given that the general aim of the plan is to promote all areas of science, technology and humanities, subject to criteria that focus on quality and excellence, applications from outstanding researchers in any area of knowledge may also be considered.
Priority areas based on the Research and Innovation Plan 2005-2008·
Biomedicine and health sciences·
Biotechnology ·
Food science and technology·
Social sciences and humanities·
Sustainability and environment·
Telecommunication and information technology
Applications must be submitted electronically via ICREA's website (www.icrea.es) before Friday, May 6, 2005. The website contains all information needed to apply.

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