M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship ~ Bioblogia.net

22 de junio de 2005

M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship

Agency: Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Location: Near Carbondale, Illinois

Job Description: I am seeking a graduate student to study gray fox status and ecology in southern Illinois. Specifically, the student will quantify home ranges, habitat use, and survival of gray foxes. Primary field activities on this project will include gray fox capture and radiotelemetry, and computer-based analyses will entail use of a GIS and survival estimation programs.

Qualifications: Applicant must have (1) completed a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology, Zoology, or related field; (2) achieved a GPA of at least 3.0; and
(3) scored more than 1,000 combined on the verbal and quantitative sections of the GRE. Strong preference will be given to applicants with experience in the activities listed above.

Salary: $1,218/month plus full tuition waiver and support for research activities

Last Date to Apply: please inquire with me as soon as possible; I am seeking a student for Fall 2005

Website: www.siu.edu/~wildlife

Dr. Clay Nielsen
E-mail: kezo92@siu.edu (preferred method of initial contact)
Phone: 618-453-6930

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