PhD Student Opportunity in Biology and GIS ~

7 de junio de 2005

PhD Student Opportunity in Biology and GIS

Saint Louis University is seeking a PhD student for a Research Assistant (RA) position to begin this summer (1 July 2005) and continuing support for four to five years.
The prospective student will be working on a GIS database for Gulf Coast streams and fishes with Drs. Richard L. Mayden and Robert M. Wood in the GIS and Biodiversity laboratory. The ideal student should be familiar with topics in conservation, aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity and ArcGIS and GIS software.
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Richard Mayden at or Peggy Gathard at (314) 977-3910. St. Louis University is an equal opportunity institution and is particularly interested in increasing diversity with women, minorities, andcultural/international diversity.

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