Tareas principales:
-Estudio mediante transectos lineales no sistemáticos.
-Recoger datos de los avistamientos de cetáceos, aves marinas y de las condiciones ambientales.
-Introducir datos relacionados con los avistamientos.
-Ayudar en el trabajo de la foto-identificación.
No se requieren cualidades especiales, solo voluntad e interés para que todos disfrutemos de una buena experiencia.
Esta no es una posición remunerada y los candidatos escogidos serán responsables de sus gastos de comida durante el tiempo de la estancia. Se alojarán gratuitamente en el centro de CIRCE en Pelayo (Algeciras).
Para información más detallada sobre CIRCÉ consultar la página web:
Para contactar con nosotros enviar un email a cv@circe-asso.org o a sergi@circe-asso.org incluyendo una copia de tu CV detallando tu formación y experiencia profesional.
Un saludo
Sergi Pérez
Dear all,
CIRCE (Conservation, Information and Research on Cetaceans) is looking for volunteers from the 24th of January to the 25th of February, to help us in our research projects. The aims of the different projects taking place at the moment are to study the socioeconomic impact of the whale-watching activity in Andalucia, the seabird population inhabiting the Gulf of Cadiz and the resident cetacean populations of the Strait of Gibraltar
The volunteers will participate in the field and laboratory activities of the project.
Main tasks:
-Conduct boat-based surveys.
-Collect data on cetacean sightings, seabird sightings and weather conditions.
- Data entry for cetacean sightings.
-Assist with photo-ID work and analysis
No specific qualities are required, just a willing hand and a keen interest so that everyone has an enjoyable and convivial experience. Preference will be given to those who have driving license.
There is no compensation for this volunteer position and the successful applicants will be responsible for their food expenses during the time of the volunteering. The volunteers can stay in CIRCE’s centre in Pelayo (Algeciras).
Detailed information of CIRCE can be found in the following web page:
To apply:
Please contact us by email at cv@circe-asso.org or sergi@circe-asso.org and include a copy of your CV detailing your background and relevant experience together.
Sincerely yours
Sergi Pérez