**Scholarship Support Available**
11 June - 27 July
for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
at Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University
Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) will once again host the summer program
known as ELME, Enhancing Linkages between Mathematics and Ecology. ELME is
a course-work based research experience designed for students with an
interest in applying mathematics to questions in ecology and evolution. The
program is designed for students both with and without formal training in
mathematics. Participants in the full program take 3 one week math courses
on topics that are relevant to ecology/evolution and then apply these tools
in a four-week field ecology/evolution course. Students can enroll in a
subset of the ELME courses if that better fits their needs and schedules.
Mathematics 1-week courses:
Introduction to Theoretical Population Biology - MTH 490.431
Robin E. Snyder, Case Western Reserve University
June 11 - June 15
Theoretical Community and Ecosystem Ecology - MTH 490.432
Christopher Klausmeier, Kellogg Biological Station, MSU
June 18 - June 22
Maximum Likelihood Analysis in Ecology - MTH 490.433
Chad Brassil, University of Nebraska
June 25 - June 29
Ecology 4-week course:
Field Ecology and Evolution - ZOL/PLB 440
Gary Mittelbach, Jeff Conner, and Doug Schemske,
Kellogg Biological Station, MSU
July 2 - July 27
Undergraduate Fellowships ($2500, plus housing, travel, and tuition) are
available for students enrolling in the full ELME program. Graduate
scholarships are available for tuition and housing. More information about
KBS and the ELME program is available at http://www.kbs.msu.edu/ELME. The
application deadline for enrollment and scholarships is 1 March 2007.