M.S. Assistantship available - Fall 2008 ~ Bioblogia.net

11 de diciembre de 2007

M.S. Assistantship available - Fall 2008

Objective: To assess the environmental conditions of isolated wetlands in
the Dougherty Plain of southwestern Georgia relative to disturbance
history. This project will analyze the rate and degree of degradation of
isolated wetlands within the lower Flint River Basin, a karst region of the
State (the Dougherty Plain) characterized by the presence of numerous
depressional wetlands. Specifically, this project will: a) examine changes
in cover type of the wetlands at a landscape level using aerial imagery and
GIS technologies; b) identify a continuum of wetland disturbances; and c)
measure physical variables as indicators of ecosystem integrity. The
graduate research project will build upon an on-going long-term study of
depressional wetlands in the coastal plain of Georgia.

Student will complete coursework during first year on University of Georgia
campus and then relocate to Ichauway, J. W. Jones Ecological Research
Center, for duration of fieldwork period and thesis completion. Graduate
stipend and housing will be provided while in residence at Ichauway.
Graduate student will be co-advised with Dr. Katherine Kirkman, Jones
Center, and Dr. Jeffrey Hepinstall at Warnell School of Forestry and
Natural Resources.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Katherine Kirkman
J. W. Jones Ecological Research Center
Route 2 Box 2324
Newton, GA 39870

Dr. Jeffrey Hepinstall
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 31705

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