Ecology field assistant in Yellowstone ~

22 de julio de 2008

Ecology field assistant in Yellowstone

location: Yellowstone National Park

dates: immediately-Aug 20

pay rate: $10/hour. Housing provided in Gardiner, MT.

project description: We are studying patterns of willow growth and
establishment across time and space on Yellowstone's Northern Range.
Specifically we are interested in the interacting effects of elk and bison
herbivory and historic and current beaver activity on willow growth and

job description: Currently, we are installing groundwater monitoring wells,
monitoring existing wells, and measuring willow growth in our plots located
across the northern range. Additional work may include harvesting plants
for aging analysis and mapping sites with a handheld GPS.

qualifications: Specific methods will be taught on the job. Sites are
located between a quarter mile and 3 miles from roads, so the ability to
hike with a pack 6-8 miles per day and work in variable weather conditions
is of utmost importance. Work will also require some digging, bending, and
kneeling. A positive attitude is also required!

To apply: Send email expressing interest and including cv/resume to:

Kristin Marshall

Be sure to highlight any previous research experience. Potential work for
an additional week in mid-September is also possible.

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