Grajillas en Cambridge ~

21 de julio de 2010

Grajillas en Cambridge

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to a BBSRC-funded research assistant post at the University of Cambridge with Dr Alex Thornton, available from 1 October 2010. The project will use observational data and field experiments to investigate cognition and social learning in wild jackdaws (Corvus monedula). The position would be ideal for graduates seeking research experience before embarking on a PhD or keen birdwatchers with strong interests in evolution and cognition. The successful candidate will spend the majority of their time conducting fieldwork in and around Madingley village, 4 miles from Cambridge.

I would be most grateful if you could circulate the attached job advert to anyone you think might be interested. Further information on the post can be found at:

Many thanks,

Alex Thornton

Dr Alex Thornton
Large Animal Research Group
Department of Zoology University of Cambridge

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