Field assistants for Hawaii ~

15 de noviembre de 2010

Field assistants for Hawaii

Position: 1-2 field assistant positions are available for a study on the
cooperative breeding behavior of a pheasant, as part of the research for a
PhD student, in collaboration with Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park/USGS
Pacific Research Center. The field assistant will be signed up as a USGS
intern for the national park.

Main job responsibility: daily transect surveys; catching, banding,
bleeding and radio-tracking pheasants; behavioral observations.

Location: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, Island of Hawai'i (the Big
Island). Patchy native Hawai'ian forest surrounded by historical lava
flow, relatively flat, about 1100m in elevation, mild temperature,
occasionally voggy. A bicycle will be available to commute to the work
site (4miles one-way), when a car ride is not available.

Dates: January 10 - July 10, 2011 (can apply for period-I from Jan.10 to
Apr.10, or period-II from Apr.10 to Jul.10, or both, but please contact
early even if interested in working for the later period, for arrangements
to be made).

Payment: choose from -
1. $20 a day (standard park internship), 8 hours a day, 4 days a week.
2. $15 a day, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.
$100-$200 flight reimbursement if flying from the mainland.
Free housing will be provided.
The payment is modest, so it has to be for those who value the
experience. Priority will be given to those whose career goal will
benefit from this experience.

You will be able to learn the following if interested: theoretical
background on cooperative breeding, behavioral surveys designing,
molecular analysis on parentage and relatedness, ArcGIS for analysing
animal movement.

To apply: Former field experience is preferred, especially experience with
handling birds and radio-tracking. Please send email with resume for

Many thanks,
Lijin Zeng

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