One postdoctoral researcher position and two PhD studentships in Ecology ~

8 de febrero de 2011

One postdoctoral researcher position and two PhD studentships in Ecology

Dear colleague,

I want to fill a postdoctoral researcher position and two PhD studentships recently funded for 3+ years by the UK Natural Environment Research Council. I am looking for quantitatively minded people that could come from either a life sciences or a physical sciences background. Research topics are in population and community ecology. Details are at in the form of a one-page flyer for each post. I would be most grateful if you could direct any students who might be interested to that website, as well as circulating this information as appropriate.

The application deadline for all three posts is 25 March, 2011, and the start date should be some time in the Autumn, to be arranged.

Thank you very much for your help. I hope you are well.


Daniel C. Reuman, Ph.D.
Lecturer in Ecology and Evolution
Imperial College London
Silwood Park Campus
Buckhurst Road

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