is available at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua)
with starting date August 2011. The scholarship is financed by DTU
Aqua. Deadline for applications is March 30th.
The project will be carried out in the Section for Population Ecology
and Genetics in Silkeborg.
DTU Aqua is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark. The
purpose of DTU Aqua is to provide research, advice and education at the
highest international level within the sustainable exploitation of living
marine and freshwater resources, the biology of aquatic organisms and the
development of ecosystems as well as their integration in ecosystem-based
management. The institute has an international research staff comprising
approx. 90 academic employees.
Project description
Archived historical material from fish in the form of scales and otoliths
is found in many research institutions across the Nordic countries. Such
population samples constitute a unique source of DNA for conducting
retrospective analysis of genetic changes over time. They allow
identification of historical changes in the distribution, migration
and abundance of fish populations, as well as temporal evolutionary
changes within populations in response to environmental change. This
project aims at performing genetic/genomic analysis on historical
collections of cod and potentially other fish species from several Nordic
populations in order to estimate the temporal stability of population
structure as well as adaptive micro-evolution in relation to climatic
variation. The insights on relationships between population structure,
evolution and climate should be used in conjunction with forecasting
models of environmental change in order to predict future distribution
and abundance of fish populations. The project is part of a Nordic Centre
of Excellence and will include collaboration with and visits to research
institutions in Norway and Greenland.
We are looking for a candidate who has:
Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree, or equivalent, in Population-
or Evolutionary Genetics Previous experience with molecular genetic
analysis Proficiency in written and spoken English Keen interest in
research and a wish to work in the field of population genetics and
evolution of aquatic organisms
Approval and Enrolment
Scholarships for a PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and
the successful candidate will be enrolled in one of the general degree
programmes at DTU. For information about the general requirements for
enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please
see the DTU PhD Guide.
Salary and appointment terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules
for PhD degree students at DTU. The period of employment is 3 years.
Further information
For further information about the project, please contact Professor Einar
Eg Nielsen,, (+45) 40210231.
See the full position announcement at with
further information on the online application procedure:
Einar Eg Nielsen