Postdoc: Molecular biology in Africa ~

4 de julio de 2011

Postdoc: Molecular biology in Africa

A postdoctoral fellowship is available immediately in the Robinson
lab to study molecular cytogenetic relationships of bovids, and African
antelope in particular. The Bovidae are noteworthy for the dominance of
Robertsonian (Rb) chromosomal fusions in shaping the genomes of many
species. Our recent work on this group shows the use of these
rearrangements in determining evolutionary relationships is problematic, and
that homoplasy predominates in the chromosomal dataset. In sharp contrast,
variation in the morphology of the X chromosome appears to hold considerable
promise for resolving some of the persistent problems associated with the
classification of this group of mammals.

We propose to: (i) Identify intrachromosomal rearrangements of the X
chromosome using high density BAC mapping and analysis by microdissected
painting probes and FISH. (ii) Develop high-resolution comparative maps
that define the borders and orientation of rearranged segments in a
species-rich taxonomic sample, and test these data for defining evolutionary
relationships among species of the subfamilies and tribes of Bovidae.

A strong background in molecular and classic cytogenetic techniques
including chromosomal preparation, fluorescent in situ
hybridization/chromosome painting, karyotyping, the use of Cytovision or
other image analysis platforms and experience with cell culture is required.
A strong interest phylogenetics would be an advantage.

Applicants should provide a CV, statement of research experience and names
of three academic referees to:

Professor Terry Robinson (E-mail:
Department of Botany & Zoology
Stellenbosch University
Private Bax X1
Matieland 7602
South Africa

Tel: +27 21 808 39 55
Fax: +27 21 808 24 05

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