Tenure track position in Behavioural Ecology ~ Bioblogia.net

22 de noviembre de 2011

Tenure track position in Behavioural Ecology

Department of Animal Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

The newly established chair group in Behavioural Ecology at Wageningen
University offers a position as Assistant Professor in the field of
Behavioural Ecology (vacancy number ASG-DW-ADP-0001). The candidate will
be responsible for the organisation, implementation and coordination
of new research activities in this field, as well as building up a
leading international position. Your research should focus on vertebrate
behavioural ecology. You will be involved in teaching at undergraduate
and graduate level, supervise PhD and Masters students and you will
be expected to obtain external research funding and to publish in
international (refereed) journals. We offer a stimulating and friendly
working environment where you are expected to contribute to increasing
our understanding of animal populations. Training and coaching is provided
to accomplish all this.

As Assistant Professor you are an ambitious and enthusiastic scientist
and a team player, devoted to research and education in the field
of behavioural ecology. Preference will be given to candidates with
experimental approaches using birds in the natural habitat as model
systems but applications form a broader field will be considered.

The Behavioural Ecology chair group of the Animal Science Department
Wageningen University is a newly established enthusiastic and ambitious
group which combines expertise in animal behaviour, animal welfare
and behavioural ecology. The group will be formally established on 1st
December 2011. The research of the group will focus on vertebrates ranging
from farm animals to animals in their natural habitat. The chair group in
Behavioural Ecology will have a focus on social behaviour using birds as
a model species covering topics including social networks, communication,
foraging and cognition but applications from also a broader range of
topics will be considered. We encourage applications from individuals
with a broad range of interests, but will give priority to candidates
with research interests and experience in ecological and evolutionary
approaches to study behaviour in the natural habitat.

Wageningen University offers you as talented scientist a challenging
new career trajectory called Tenure Track. We have the ambition to
attract top scientific talent and to stimulate their development. From
the position of Assistant Professor you can grow into the position of a
Professor holding a personal chair. We are looking for high potentials
who can excel in education and research. We offer you a temporary
contract for 38 hours per week, which can lead to a permanent employment
contract. A part-time position of 0.8 Fte is negotiable. The monthly
salary depends on your work experience and expertise. Gross salary from
¤ 3195 to max. ¤ 4374 as Assistant Professor and based on full time
employment. The career path consists of a number of successive career
steps, from Assistant Professor, to Associate Professor to Professor
holding a Personal Chair. Excellent performance and seniority can be
rewarded with an appointment as Associate Professor.

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
The chair of the Behavioural Ecology group,  Prof. dr. Marc Naguib,

Telephone number: 0031 (0)317- -473442; after 1st December 0031-(0)317 483860

E-mail address: m.naguib@nioo.knaw.nl

You can apply till 15 December 2011. Interviews will take place in
early January

Go to the website below for more detailed information and to apply for
the position http://www.wur.nl/UK/work/Vacancies+New

To access the advertisement use the link above and enter the vacancy
number ASG-DW-ADP-0001 into the "vacancy field". Then follow the further
links. Contact Marc Naguib at m.naguib@nioo.knaw for or any questions
regarding the position or the application procedure.

Prof. Dr. Marc Naguib
Department of Animal Ecology
Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)
Wageningen,The Netherlands, Phone +31-317-473442
m.naguib@nioo.knaw.nl; http://www.nioo.knaw.nl/users/mnaguib/

note my new address from 1.12.2011
Behavioural Ecology Group, Department of Animal Sciences
Wageningen University, De Elst 1, Building number 122
6708 WD  Wageningen, The Netherlands
"Naguib, Marc" <M.Naguib@nioo.knaw.nl>

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