Postdoc position in Finland ~

15 de junio de 2012

Postdoc position in Finland

A Post-Doctoral Researcher is being recruited to work in the project:
Larval polymorphism and evolutionary transitions in developmental mode
with Dr. Emily Knott at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. The
project aims to identify factors that influence larval polymorphism
in the polychaete worm Pygospio elegans. The project is funded by the
Academy of Finland.

The Post-Doctoral researcher position is available beginning September
or October 2012 for a highly motivated individual with a background in
evolutionary developmental biology. The post-doctoral researcher will
be involved in transcriptomic and epigenetic analyses. Experience in
bioinformatics and / or microscopy is a plus. Some travel and work abroad
will be required during the project. The post-doctoral researcher will
have the opportunity to lead PhD and MS level students and participate
in teaching, if desired. Candidates should have good organizational,
writing and presentation skills and should be able to work well both
independently and in a team environment. The position is available for
2 years with possibility of a 1 year extension.

The research takes place in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
division in the Department of Biological and Environmental Science at
the University of Jyvaskyla
. Additional information about Emily Knott's research can be found

To be considered for the post, please send a letter of motivation and
your CV, including the names, email addresses and phone numbers of
three referees who could provide a statement of your suitability for
the position, to  by 30th
June 2012.

K. Emily Knott
University Lecturer
Department of Biological & Environmental Science
P.O. Box 35; Survontie 9; Ambiotica C4
40014 University of Jyvaskyla FINLAND

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