Postdoctoral Position in Invasion Biology & Biological Control
Common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae), has uniquely
raised the awareness of invasive alien plants in Europe. A main problem
with this plant is its particularly large production of highly allergenic
pollen generating huge medical costs and reduced quality of life among
the allergic population. The majority of land infested by ragweed in
Europe is non-crop land. However, ragweed also has increasingly become
a major weed in European agriculture, especially in spring-sown crops
such as sunflower, maize, sugar beet and soya beans. The threat of
ragweed is further accentuated by climate change, posing a significant
risk to society even in countries presently not affected. In June 2012,
we received approval for a coordinated European research program on
"Sustainable Management of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe" (COST
FA1203-SMARTER). We expect to officially start by November 2012. By now,
more than 20 countries have signed the Memorandum of Understanding to
participate in this Action, with more than 100 researchers involved so
far. A main component will be to develop a biological control program for
ragweed in Europe, constituting the first European-wide weed biocontrol
project. For this, we can capitalize on recent biocontrol achievements in
Australia and China and on a recent review on prospects for biological
control of Ambrosia artemisiifolia, in which we discuss and propose a
prioritization of biological control candidates for both a classical
and for a inundative biological control approach in Europe (Gerber et
al. 2011; Weed Research 51, 559-573).
We now seek a highly motivated person to join our team at the University
of Fribourg. Initially, the position will involve project development
(support of the coordinator in developing the Action, particularly the
biocontrol component) and will then shift to a full research position
on the efficacy and biosafety of selected biological control agents,
and the integration of biological control into other management measures.
Doctoral degree, preferentially in the field of plant invasions,
entomology and/or biological weed control.
Salary and conditions
Salary dependent on age and status (gross salary in the first year about
CHF 60'000). Start date: preferentially 1 Nov. 2012, or early 2013. The
position is initially for 1 year, but we will seek for funding to extend
it to 2-3 years.
Applicants should send their CV, including the publication list, a
short summary of research experience and interests, and the names of
two professional referees to
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Heinz Müller-Schärer, tel: + (41) (0)
26-300 88 35/50 or
for further information.