12 postdoc fellowships at Aarhus University (Denmark) ~ Bioblogia.net

18 de diciembre de 2014

12 postdoc fellowships at Aarhus University (Denmark)

The Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies is accepting applications for 12
postdoc fellowships at Aarhus University, Denmark. We are particularly
seeking international applicants. Applicants will define their own projects
and all academic topics are eligible. Fellows are employed at the Aarhus
Institute of Advanced Studies, but most of them are also associated with a
research group in another department.

You can find information about AIAS, the specific call and link to the
online application form here:
http://aias.au.dk/aias-fellowships/aias-cofund-fellowships/   The deadline
for the call is 11 February 2015.

If you are interested in applying for a fellowship focusing on macroecology
and would like to be associated with the "Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity"
research group at the Department of Bioscience, then feel free to contact
one of us:

Professor Jens-Christian Svenning (svenning@bios.au.dk), Assistant professor
Signe Normand (signe.normand@bios.au.dk) or Assistant professor Brody Sandel
(brody.sandel@bios.au.dk). For more information about the group, see our
homepage at

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