Urgente! Voluntariado en Costa Rica ~ Bioblogia.net

4 de febrero de 2015

Urgente! Voluntariado en Costa Rica

Stream Biomonitoring Intern Position Available
Asociacion ANAI, an award-winning Costa Rican NGO working in the La
Amistad area of Costa Rica and Panama, has a volunteer intern position
available immediately (due to a last minute cancellation) in our
innovative Stream Biomonitoring Program.

The opportunity is to participate in a program, linked to ANAI's other
work best encapsulated in our slogan "protecting biodiversity on a full
stomach".  The urgent need is during our main field monitoring season of
mid-February to mid-May.  The work involves assisting (6 days a week) with
monitoring fish and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and instream
habitat.  The fish work includes both sampling using electrofishers and
visual censusing with mask and snorkel in the river systems draining
the huge binational La Amistad World Heritage Site.

Much of the field time will be spent in remote indigenous and campesino
communities working with and training local parataxonomists to help them
deal with regional environmental isses, including proposed hydro dams.
The volunteer will also be expected to assist in office and maintenance
work, including data management and preparation for courses and meetings.

In addition to being available for the season, applicants should:
- Be prepared to endure difficult conditions including long hikes,
  wading in swift flowing rivers, extreme weather (heat, rain, mud) and
  biting insects.
- Have an interest in biology and conservation issues.
- Be in good physical health
- Know how to swim.
- Have at least moderate capability in spoken Spanish.
- Driver's license and ability to drive standard transmission is

The volunteer will be expected to pay his or her own way to Costa Rica
plus basic food costs.  We will cover all transportation within Costa Rica
and Panama, housing in San Jose and at our field office in Hone Creek,
lunch during field work days, food and lodging expenses on overnight or
longer expeditions to remote sites, and all necessary equipment.

Our facilities in Hone Creek include dormitory style housing, with
separate bath (cold water), kitchen and laundry facilities and 24 hour
security.  There are 2 grocery stores and 2 modest restaurants within
walking distance.  The situation varies from year to year, but there is
often the opportunity to economize by collaborating in meal preparation
at the office.

If interested, or with further questions, reply to my personal email
billmclarney@gmail.com, or either of my
colleagues, Maribel Mafla (mmafla@anaicr.org)
and Ana Maria Arias (anamaria@anaicr.org).

Bill McLarney Director, ANAI Stream Biomonitoring Program


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