1 Post Doc and 1 PhD in plant ecology (Finland) ~ Bioblogia.net

12 de marzo de 2015

1 Post Doc and 1 PhD in plant ecology (Finland)

A Post Doc and PhD position are available from September 2015 to investigate how forest canopies alter the spectrum of solar radiation providing signals for under-canopy plant growth and development.  You will join our dynamic new research group in Canopy Spectral Ecology and Ecophysiology at the University of Helsinki, with forest research also in Lapland, France, Spain, the UK, and Czech Republic.
Detailed information and application instructions are available at http://blogs.helsinki.fi/robson/jobs/ Apply with a CV, letter stating your motivation, and two references sent to Matthew Robson by April 1st 2015.
Many thanks,
Matthew Robson
Tel: +358 (0)466198627

Matt Robson
Academy of Finland Research Fellow
Docent in Plant Ecology
Department of Biosciences
Plant Biology Division
P.O. Box 65
00014 University of Helsinki

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