2 PhDs in reproduction and longevity (USA) ~ Bioblogia.net

12 de noviembre de 2015

2 PhDs in reproduction and longevity (USA)

The Hood lab is looking to recruit 2 PhD students to study mitochondrial function in relation to
the tradeoff between reproduction and longevity in the wild house mouse. Specifically, we are
interested in tissue-specific variation in respiratory function and oxidative stress of
mitochondria throughout the life of an animal. Students will contribute to the funded project
and develop their own research questions. Students will receive RA support. During at least 1
semester per year, the student will be encouraged to teach laboratories to building to gain
experience that will be critical to future endeavors.

The project is supported by a 5-year NSF CAREER award to Hood. Work on mitochondrial
function is relatively new to the Hood lab but we work closely with an established expert on
mitochondrial function, Dr. Andreas Kavazis in the Dept. of Kinesiology at Auburn and another
lab with an emerging interest in mitonuclear interaction and sexual selection, Dr. Geoff Hill,
Dept. of Biological Sciences. Prospective students can learn more about the lab and read the
abstracts of our funded projects at http://www.thehoodlaboratory.com/#!funding/cto0

Interested applicants should send an email to Dr. Wendy Hood at wrhood@auburn.edu.  In the
email, please include a description of prior research experience, your training in evolutionary
biology, physiology, and cell biology, your undergraduate and graduate institution (if post-
masters), GPA and GRE scores, and the email address and/or phone number for 1-2
references.  You can learn more about  Biological Sciences at Auburn and our grad program
at http://www.auburn.edu/academic/cosam//departments/biology/index.htm.


Wendy Hood
Dept of Biological Sciences
Auburn University

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