Master o doctorado en conservación y dinámica de poblaciones en peces (USA) ~

17 de mayo de 2016

Master o doctorado en conservación y dinámica de poblaciones en peces (USA)

Title: Master or PhD Graduate Assistantship in Fisheries Population Dynamics and Conservation

Location: Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24061-0321

Description: One master or PhD Graduate Research/Teaching Assistantships is available as soon as suitable candidate is found in population dynamics and conservation. The Master student research will focus on analyzing sea bird bycatch modeling for the Atlantic pelagic longline. The PhD candidate will analyze large database to detect spatial issues and incorporating spatial dynamics into population dynamics and stock assessment. The most qualified applicant will have a strong quantitative background, strong interest in fisheries population dynamics and simulation modeling. See example previous publications related to the projects from our team. Duties will include proposal writing, manage and analyze large data-sets, coordinate with other investigators, and prepare reports and presentations for scientific audiences. Applicants must have a BS or MS in Biology, Fisheries, Natural Resources or similar area for entrance in the program.

Stipend: $21,444 for master student and $23,928 for PhD student, plus tuition and student health benefits. Position is supported by GRA/GTA.

Closing Date: As soon as suitable candidate is found. Review begins immediately.

Expected Starting Date: summer or fall semester of 2016. Interested applicants should submit the following: letter of interest, three references, unofficial transcripts, and CV to: Dr. Yan Jiao, (; Selected applicant will need to apply to the Virginia Tech Graduate School before acceptance.

Example recent publications from Dr. Yan Jiao and her students related to the projects (see more from Dr. Jiao’s website).

1. Jiao, Y., O’Reilly, R., Smith, E., and Orth, D. 2016. Integrating spatial synchrony/asynchrony of population distribution into stock assessment models: a spatial hierarchical Bayesian statistical catch-at-age approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science. (Editor’s Choice) doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw036

2. Li, Y., Jiao, Y., and Browder, J. 2016. Modeling spatially-varying ecological relationships using geographically weighted generalized linear model: a simulation study based on longline seabird bycatch. Fisheries Research. Fisheries Research. 181: 14-24

3. Liu, C., Wan, R., Jiao, Y., and Reid, K. 2016. Exploring nonstationary and scale-dependent relationships between walleye (Sander vitreus) distribution and habitat variables in Lake Erie. Marine and Freshwater Research.

4. Li, Y., and Jiao, Y. 2013. Modeling seabird bycatch in the U.S. Atlantic pelagic longline fishery: a simulation study on random year effect versus fixed year effect. Ecological Modeling. 260: 36-41

5. Jiao, Y., Smith, E., O’Reilly, R., and Orth, D. 2012. Modeling nonstationary natural mortality in catch-at-age models: an example using the Atlantic weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 69:105-118.

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