Postdoc in Theoretical Biophysics (Germany) ~

30 de mayo de 2017

Postdoc in Theoretical Biophysics (Germany)

At TU Dresden the Junior Research Group "Biological Algorithms" headed by Benjamin Friedrich within the Cluster of Excellence 'Center for
Advancing Electronics Dresden' (cfaed) offers a

Research Associate/Postdoc position in Theoretical Biophysics
(subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L)

Research area: Chemotaxis and optimal decision making at
the physical limit cfaed Investigators: Dr. Benjamin Friedrich
cfaed research path: Biological Systems Path
Terms: The position starts as soon as possible and is
fixed-term until 31.12.2018 (with the possibility
for prolongation subject to the availability of third-party funds). The period of employment is governed by the Fixed-Term Research
Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz - WissZeitVG). The position offers the chance to obtain further academic qualification (e.g. habilitation).

About the "Biological Algorithms group"
The mission of our "Biological Algorithms group" is to understand
physical principles of self-organization in biological cells and tissues, with a focus on cell motility, robust motility control, and the emergence of self-organized patterns in cells and tissues. We pursue a Quantitative Biological Physics approach that combines dynamical systems theory, statistical physics, and image/data analysis. More information on current research can be found at https://cfaed.tu-

About the project
We are hiring a Postdoc for an on-going project on cellular decision
making in the presence of chemo-sensory noise. At the beginning of
new life, sperm cells navigate upwards dilute chemical gradients to
find the egg. What sounds like a direct implementation of gradient-
ascent is challenging at these microscopic scales, because molecular
shot noise corrupts concentration measurements. We use sperm
chemotaxis as application example to investigate fundamental
principles of cellular responses to noisy input signals, right at the
physical limit of single molecule detection. We apply game theory,
including methods of probabilistic model checking from computer
science, to theoretically understand optimal navigation strategies.
With this, we directly address the fundamental trade-off choice
between exploration (=acquisition of information) and exploitation
(=response to information), linking physics, biology, and information
Looking beyond this specific biological model system, we will also
explore possible applications of biological control designs, e.g.
decision making in artificial cells and next-generation communication
systems, in tight collaboration with the engineering paths of the
cfaed. Dresden unites excellence in information and life sciences.
We enjoy the close proximity of collaboration partners at the Max
Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, the
Biotechnology Centre, and the new Center for Systems Biology
Dresden, which allows rapid iteration loops between theory and

We are looking for an enthusiastic theoretical physicist or applied
mathematician, who is intrigued to discover the algorithms of life.
Requirements: excellent university and PhD degree in Biological
Physics, Mathematical Biology, or related field; motivation and drive
to work at the interface of physics and biology with a twist towards
computer science; strong analytic skills, creativity, efficient problem
solving skills; an aptitude for nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics; experience in numeric computing (e.g. python, Matlab, C); excellent communication skills; especially in cross-disciplinary communication; an independent, result-driven work attitude; fluency in English - oral and written.

What we offer
You will join a team of enthusiastic scientists who pursue creatively
their individual research agenda inspired by the cluster's innovative
approach and support. Your research will be fostered by the
cfaed philosophy to promote young researchers which includes:
access to state of the art research of leading academic institutes,
individual supervision by a Thesis Advisory Committee, possibility to
earn (seed) grants of up to € 10.000, promotion of gender equality
and family-friendly work environment.
For informal enquiries, please contact Dr. Benjamin Friedrich at
Applications from women are particularly welcome. The same applies
to people with disabilities.

Application Procedure
Your application (in English only) should include: a motivation letter,
your CV with publication list, the names and contact details of two
references, copy of degree certificate, and transcript of grades (i.e.
the official list of coursework including your grades). Please include
also a link to your Master's thesis. Complete applications should be
submitted preferably by e-mail as a single PDF-document quoting the
reference number PD-1705 in the subject header to (Please note: We are currently not
able to receive electronically signed and encrypted data) or
alternatively by post to: TU Dresden, cfaed, Frau Dr. P. Gruenberg,
01062 Dresden, Germany. The closing date for applications is
27.06.2017 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service
applies). Please submit copies only, as your application will not be
returned to you. Expenses incurred in attending interviews cannot be

About cfaed
cfaed is a cluster of excellence within the German Excellence
Initiative. As a central scientific unit of TU Dresden, it brings together
300 researchers from the university and 10 other research institutes
in the areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer
Science, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and
Mathematics. cfaed addresses the advancement of electronic
information processing systems through exploring new technologies
which overcome the limits of today's predominant CMOS
technology. For more information please see www.cfaed.tu-

About TU Dresden
The TU Dresden is among the top universities in Germany and
Europe and one of the eleven German universities that were
identified as an 'elite university' in June 2012. As a modern full-status
university with 14 departments it offers a wide academic range
making it one of a very few in Germany.

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