5 ofertas muy tentadoras para científicos en Panamá ~ Bioblogia.net

14 de septiembre de 2017

5 ofertas muy tentadoras para científicos en Panamá

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) has openings for 5 Staff Scientists to pursue independent, internationally recognized research programs in the tropics. Previous tropical experience is not required. We are especially interested in hiring scientists in animal behavior, terrestrial microbial ecology, forest biology and marine science. In addition to positions in these four fields, we will consider candidates for a fifth position in any area of research in the natural sciences in the tropics. Positions are for full-time research and include internal research funds.

STRI is headquartered in Panama with modern research facilities and field stations throughout the country, and hosts a vibrant and collaborative scientific community of 30 staff scientists and over 1500 scientific visitors per year. Early- to mid-career candidates are especially encouraged; applicants at all postdoctoral stages will be considered. Annual salary is commensurate with experience, and compensation packages are internationally competitive. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and post-doctoral research experience in a relevant field. Interested candidates should submit the following as PDF files: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research accomplishments and interests, 3-5 publications, and contact information for three references to strisearch@si.edu. Please address inquiries in the four focal fields to respective search committee chairs: animal behavior, Dr. Rachel Page, at PageR@si.edu; microbial ecology, Dr. Kristin Saltonstall at SaltonstallK@si.edu; forest biology, Dr. Helene Muller-Landau at MullerH@si.edu; and marine science, Dr. Mark Torchin at TorchinM@si.edu. For other research fields please address inquiries to Dr. William Wcislo at WcisloW@si.edu.

Review of applications will begin on 15 November 2017. For more information, including answers to frequently asked questions please download the pdf.

Staff Scientist Research Position in Animal Behavior,
Staff Scientist Research Position in Terrestrial Microbial Ecology,
Staff Scientist Research Position in Forest Biology and
Staff Scientist Research Position in Marine Science
Staff Scientist Research Position in Tropical Science - Open Field

Download Staff Scientists-Frequently Asked Questions PDF

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