Curso de creación de videos para comunicar ciencia ~

24 de septiembre de 2019

Curso de creación de videos para comunicar ciencia

(Nota de Nando: Dicen que los 50$ que cuesta son negociables, habla con ellos!)

Are you interested in creating videos to connect the public with your research? If so, you're in luck. SciFund Challenge is teaming up with the Long Term Ecological Research Network to run a video training class for scientists. You are invited!

The class will be running for five weeks, from September 29 to November 2, 2019. The class is intended for scientists that are new to outreach and to video creation, but would like to get started with it. The class is open to scientists at any level, in any discipline. The class will be online, so all countries are welcome. Despite being online, this class will emphasize building connections between participants in the course.

Video production often requires a lot of additional equipment, but our class doesn't. We focus our class on using the smartphones that we carry in our pockets for shooting great video.

The deadline to apply is September 28th. Act soon if you are interested! Click here to learn more! 

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