Becas de alojamiento, manutención y uso de un laboratorio acuático cerca de París ~

9 de octubre de 2019

Becas de alojamiento, manutención y uso de un laboratorio acuático cerca de París

OPEN Call for Transnational Access to PLANAQUA Facilities in 2020
Deadline: 2019-10-30

Dear colleagues,

the PLANAQUA platform from Ecole normale supérieure and CNRS nearby Paris is ready to receive projects using our aquatic mecososms and macrocosms in 2020. This competitive call allows us to fund 2-3 standard projects per year coordinated by a foreign researcher and it covers the calls of travel, lodging and manipulation on site. Our staff will contribute to preparation, implementation and data analysis of research projects. Please contact Gérard Lacroix and Sarah Fiorini for further information and check out the detailed procedure below.

Examples of projects hosted during the two last years include manipulation of boat noise, studies of the impact of environmental change on invasive species, monitoring of zooplankton migration or investigations of turbulence effects on the bio-geochemistry of sediment-water interface. Take a tour of the AQUACOSM portal to discover the metadata from these experiments or contact us for more details.

Deadline in a little bit more than a month !

Please spread the news in your research networks.

All the best,

Jean-François LE GALLIARD


OPEN Call for Transnational Access to European Aquatic Mesocosm Facilities in 2020

The EU Research Infrastructure project AQUACOSM ( has opened the 3rd CALL for Transnational Access to fund participation or leadership of mesocosm experiments in 2020. We open for access to more than 33 aquatic mesocosm facilities, located at 15 AQUACOSM partners throughout Europe. In total AQUACOSM offers more than 11500 person-days of TA between Jan 2018 and Oct 2020. This CALL opens for >3800 person days of Transnational Access in 2020.

AQUACOSM offers funding for mesocosm experiments through a unique collaborative international project, representing a full cross section of Aquatic Ecosystems. The ecosystems represents a range from freshwater to estuarine and marine systems, covering the Sub-Arctic to the Mediterranean and beyond, from mountains to lowlands spanning from ultra-oligotrophic to hyper-eutrophic conditions, including benthic and pelagic systems.

AQUACOSM specifically aims to promote effective international scientific collaboration and technological knowledge transfer across traditional barriers between regions, countries and traditionally separated science disciplines, such a marine and freshwater research. As up to 20% of the funded participants may be from countries outside the European Union and its associated member states it also represents a truly world-wide opportunity!

Application deadline for Transnational Access: 30th October 2019 before 13:00 CET.

More information on TA opportunities, planned experiments, open time slots and the application process is available at and


Contact of TA-team:

Dr. Stella A. Berger
Leader of the AQUACOSM Transnational Access Programme

Dr. Tatiana M. Tsagaraki
Co-Leader of the AQUACOSM Transnational Access Programme

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