Déjalo todo y trabaja de biólogo vikingo en esta piscifactoría de Islandia ~ Bioblogia.net

17 de febrero de 2020

Déjalo todo y trabaja de biólogo vikingo en esta piscifactoría de Islandia

Employment opportunity for Biologist in Fish Farming in Iceland

About the company:
Tungusilungur ehf. is a privately owned Icelandic company that has been in operation for over 20 years.
The company seeks to recruit Biologists who are specialists in the fields of animal biology. The
company ´s search for Biologists is relates to higher requirement of registration and higher professional standards with regards to animal welfare, and disease prevention in Fish Farming in Iceland.
The employment is suitable for both men and women.
Key responsibilities and work assignments:
The individual will need to perform the following activities:
• Keeping records of numbers of fish in fish tanks
• Keeping records of mortality rate in each fish tank
• Measuring water oxygen levels in fish tanks
• Measuring pH sample of water
• Monitor the fishes
• Take samples to be sent for sampling to a veterinarian in control of fish diseases in Iceland.
• Participating in work relating to the upgrading of the company ´s Fish Farm. This involves that
the applicant is required to work with the company and its designers on planning and
building of our new fish farm hatching station

Education and skills:
• B.sc. or M.sc. in Biology
• Understanding on engineering
• Skills in computer programming,
• Good knowledge in excel, word and power point
• Other computer skills would be advantageous
• All manual job that will be required is made with team effort and would be considered a
medium or light. Walking and getting fish for sampling.
• Good knowledge in spoken and written English. Capability of reading and understanding of
academic and scientific articles in the fields of animal biology relating to fish farming.
• Good knowledge in spoken and written French would be advantageous.
Contact info:

Please apply before march 1st .2020 by filling in an online application here: www.vmst.is/eures and put " EUR200127-01" in the field for employer

Individuals who are interested to apply for the employment may also send their CV and copies of their University diploma(s) to ragnararctic@gmail.com including a new passport photo. The company will request a criminal record before hiring. All applications will be reviewed and applicants will receive a written answer. Qualified applicants will be called in for an interview via Skype.

Respectfully yours,
Ragnar Þór Marinósson
For further information about our company:

https://www.facebook.com/Tungusilungur/ Umsóknarfrestur er til og með 03/03/20. Vinsamlegast sendið umsókn ásamt ferilskrá á netfangið: auroraice84@gmail.com

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